At the moment I have three of the main parts spoken for with Karen Pistorius as the lead female called Emmanor. Campbell Cooley as Gotlieb the half man half fish computer Genius, and Grae Burton as Lord Froth. The three male leads however have yet to emerge. I have temporarily cast myself as Tom the leading male. This is only for the trailers and test shots. The real Tom will be a much better actor with some evidence of talent, (as much as I may have visions of grandeur of being an actor). At this stage I have used Geoffery my brother in law as Jeremy the geeky scifi fantatic. He is great but I will still hold auditions for this role as well as Gavin the tall arrogant member of the three leads. Matt and Mike from Barefoot casting agency are old friends of mine from the days of early goon (my band). They are gathering together a whole plethera of choices for me to go through.
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