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Spaceships Poster
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Medium: A2 420mm x 594mm
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Personally signed by Christian Nicolson

Character Poster Emmanor
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Medium: A2 420mm x 594mm
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Personally signed by Christian Nicolson

Guns Poster
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Personally signed by Christian Nicolson

Character Poster Gavin
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Personally signed by Christian Nicolson

Retro Poster 4
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Boulder Trading Cards
In the true nature of all cult movies Trading Cards are now available to purchase.
Get them in packs of 6 or order the whole set. Each one has descriptions of an individual character with all sorts of cool and collectable information.

Character Poster Tom
Small: A3 297mm x 420mm
Medium: A2 420mm x 594mm
Large: A1 594mm x 840mm
Personally signed by Christian Nicolson

Booklet – The Complete and Utter History of the Boulderverse
A 44-page mini book which fits inside the dvd/bluray case
It gives a rich history of all the crazy characters in the universe from the Cardron to the Skaer. This booklet is filled with fantastic photos and wild anecdotes about the characters and gives insight into the origins of the Boulderverse. A must have for all die-hard boulder fans.
Sample text
Norg, a parts collector for the dreaded anagalian clan, grew up in a village just outside of Zorgo on Shilac-5. His mother, a human, was a lonely woman who got drunk one night and woke up in the morning next to a large lizard. This one night of pleasure produced Norg – a half-man, half-lizard. Norg has incredible strength but…..